Alana Filloy

Countries Visited


Pad Thais Eaten


TV Shows Finished


Days in Quarantine


Hi! I’m Alana. I’m so glad you’re here!

 I was born and raised in San José, Costa Rica and my favorite pastime is binge watching reality tv shows on Netflix. My two great loves in life are food and travel, in my opinion, there is nothing better in this world than eating your way through new experiences and learning about different cultures and ways of life. I think these two loves are what brought me to Spain, where I have spent the last four years of my life studying Marketing and Creative Communications at Universidad de Navarra in Pamplona. I have recently graduated this past May 2020 and I am currently looking for opportunities to grow, learn and gain experience from new challenges. I’m excited to start this new phase of my life, expand my horizons and start creating value for my surroundings!

I am fueled by my passion for marketing strategy, the understanding of consumer behavior, and creating companies and brands that resonate with consumers on a personal and emotional level. I am a fervent believer in the role brands play in today’s world and the responsibility us marketers have to make sure these brands carry out this powerful position in a responsible, ethical, and considerate way.  I am motivated by love brands that have been able to master the complicated art of experiential marketing, establish lasting emotional relationships with consumers, and gain love and loyalty amongst their consumers.

This constant journey in diving into new experiences and challenges has introduced me several passions of mine. Amongst these is a newly found interest for Big Data and Analytics.  I, like many other students out there, never liked math and science growing up, in fact, I had a deep-rooted hate for them during most of my schooling years because I couldn’t really see how they could be applied to my daily life. It was not until Junior year of High School that I walked into my IB Mathematical Studies class and I began to really see the relevance of math and that it, crazy as it may sound, could be fun. I began to really enjoy Statistics when I began exploring it in High School and throughout College. This then led me to becoming curious about Data Science, Big Data, and Analytics. During my exchange program at UNC Chapel Hill, I had the opportunity to take a class called Big Data and Media Analytics, where I learned about coding and was given an introduction to Python, Regex, and Pandas. I hope to pursue this passion in a Master’s Degree soon, but for now I am focused on gaining experience and learning from my surroundings as much as I can. 

If you got all the way here, I want to thank you so much for taking the time to get to know me! I would love to get to know you as well, so please feel free to contact me however you would like. My information and contact sheet can be found in the “Contact Me” page.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Alana Filloy

Python, Regex, Pandas
Social Media & Content Creation
Financial Analytics
Marketing Research
Creative Communications